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This award is belongs to the Midsiders. Out of all of the stories we covered, which do you think is the most farcical of all?
Of all the narcissists in the land of the free and home of the brave, who was the most narcissistic over the past 12 months? We have a feeling we’re all going to nominate and vote for the same person. (Though the predictions for such voting have been wrong before.)
2015: Donald Trump
2014: Obamacare Architect Jonathan Gruber
Who not only believed in some insane application of Social Justice, but made real steps in reality (ha!) to “make a difference”?
2015: Bernie Sanders and Yale Students
2014: Buzz Feed’s Ariane Lange for her article 12 Female Characters Who Keep Shaving Despite Constant Peril
Who did the most Tom Brady thing and excelled when everyone said he/she/it couldn’t? Maybe Tom Brady?
2015: Tom Brady
2014: Tom Brady
What event or accomplishment would reduce Zack Snyder to awe to the point that he could only call it awesome? Don’t use Snyder’s metric. Use your own and trust that he’s as awesome as you are.
2015: Carrie Fisher for her defense of slave Leia
2014:Firestone for fighting Ebola in Africa more effectively than any government did
Who created the greatest work of Romantic art in 2016?
2015: Bryan Fuller for Hannibal
2014: Christopher Nolan for Interstellar